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April 20, 2006

As I was on my way home last night, after being unceremoniously rejected from attending my Bikram yoga class because I was (literally) 33 seconds late (curse you Bikram Yoga Dupont!), I contemplated my foreseeable workout future. Running (figuratively) through the list of active options, I had trouble deciding on what to do. This was probably due to my extreme duress of being shunned with a locked door, I mean c’mon, how Zen is that? Anyway, as I contemplated my choices and neared my front door, the thought of doing absolutely nothing started popping up with more and more frequency to which my practical, workout-loving self proclaimed “But you’re already dressed out!”



I’m what? I am already dressed out? When was the last time I uttered (or heard for that matter) those two little words? I can tell you. It was 1989. The last time I took an organized Physical Education class. You know, P.E., the class which required one to change out of one’s Esprit sweater and Guess jeans into some sort of ratty gym attire and then try your damnedest not to get sweaty for the next 40 minutes. Dressed out. The words came so easily and I recognized their meaning so surely, that it shocked me. Shocked my practical, workout-loving self right into laziness. Yeah, I ended up sitting around on my sofa all night…dressed out.

8 Comments leave one →
  1. April 20, 2006 12:49 pm

    [snicker] I tried to catch you at work and dissuade you from going to class in favor of something else. I should’ve waited til after – haha

  2. April 20, 2006 1:12 pm

    To complicate matters such as those, I haven’t had my cell phone since Sunday because I’ve been too lazy to go to Buggie’s house and retrieve it.

  3. April 20, 2006 1:22 pm

    …this is why it went straight to voicemail.

  4. April 20, 2006 1:51 pm

    “Dressed Out”

    I know those indvidual words but that phrase makes no sense to me.

  5. April 20, 2006 1:57 pm

    I too was “dressed out” last night, but then I walked up to my gym entrance, and realized after thumbing through my 30 or so cards in my wallet (5 or so gift cards, old credit cards waiting to be shredded, Safeway, Giant, Superfresh cards…) that I had somehow lost my membership card. So instead I ran errands, stopping by Modell’s to buy more gym shorts, B&BW to buy Wallflowers on sale for $6 (curse all the sales mailing lists I’m on), and ultimately sitting on my couch, dressed out, to watch ANTM and AI.

  6. April 20, 2006 2:30 pm

    Really, Rich?

    “dressed out” was very P.E. specific back in the junior high and high school days – well, the first 2 years of HS, anyways.

    I’m not sure why it was the term to represent “dressed in gym clothes” or, more specifically “gym uniform”… but I can’t think of a single other setting (save Marci’s head) in which it would be used.

  7. April 20, 2006 6:12 pm

    Rich – You grew up in the same area and are of the same age as me…WTF? Is this just selective memory?

    Nic – Such a better use of time, no? And I bet you were so comfortable, like me, lounging around in your workout clothes.

    i-66 – safe to say there are lots of things in “marci’s head” that are probably not used or heard of outside of it’s confines.

  8. April 20, 2006 8:42 pm

    It was those pictures from the year book! I am so sorry to have done that to you!

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